Calm Mind Courses Blog

The benefits of keeping things simple Sep 01, 2024

When I worked in IT back in the 80s, I remember vividly being taught the KISS principle. KISS means ‘Keep it simple, stupid!’ In the context of computer systems, it means avoiding over-complicating the design.

I’ve just Googled the saying and it was used as a design principle by...

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Embracing change can help to reduce anxiety Aug 01, 2024

2,500 years ago, an ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, wisely said ‘There is nothing permanent except change.’

And he wasn’t wrong!

If you think about all the changes you’ve witnessed in your lifetime, you’ll quickly realise that nothing stays the same. I’m...

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Minimise anxiety by taking care of your basic needs Jul 01, 2024

Life is rarely plain sailing. Challenging life events happen to us all, even hypnotherapists, and can be caused by a huge range of issues, from relationship problems, redundancy, financial stresses, ill health, bereavement, poor environment, time poverty… the list is limitless.

On a good...

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5 tips for making decisions and help reduce anxiety Jun 01, 2024

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of choice there is? You’re not alone. We live in an age where there is seemingly infinite choice. And whilst, in theory, that means we can select an option that’s just right for us, it can easily lead to anxiety caused by indecision.


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Sharing good news – growing food in harmony with nature May 01, 2024

It’s time for my annual round-up of good news, and this time I’m focusing on food-related projects from around the globe that support self-sufficiency and food security within local communities.

Projects like the charity Ripple Effect’s (formerly known as Send A Cow) work with...

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How to be a force for good in the world Apr 01, 2024

In 2007, when I was searching for a course to answer questions I had about how the mind works, I came across the Clifton Practice Hypnotherapy Training (CPHT) website, and one particular phrase leapt out at me.

It said something like: ‘If you could be responsible for changing one...

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Reduce anxiety by checking the facts Mar 01, 2024

I’ve had a couple of instances recently where I’d made assumptions about situations that turned out not to be the case.

The first was during a trip to Kents Cavern near Torquay in Devon. Mr P and I joined my brother and his partner for a few days while they were on holiday in the...

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Slow the Pace to Minimise Anxiety Feb 01, 2024

I’m a great fan of detective fiction, especially from classic writers like P D James. So, as a treat, Mr P bought me a DVD box set of the Inspector Dalgleish mysteries, dramatized by ITV in the 1980s.

We sat down to start watching the first episode and the first shock was the format –...

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Happy New Year! 2024 here we come! Jan 01, 2024

Well now, the last 12 months have certainly been interesting on all fronts! Our brains don’t like change, and they don’t like uncertainty, and there’s been plenty of both to keep us all on our toes. The good news is that, if we take steps to keep ourselves in a good headspace,...

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Overcome anxiety by creating your own luck Dec 01, 2023

A while back I was asked to recommend a replacement hypnotherapist at the centre where I was working, because I was making preparations to retire from in-person sessions. As I’m so passionate about the Solution Focused approach, my ideal replacement needed to be a fellow graduate of Clifton...

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Make your own positivity sanctuary to combat anxiety Nov 01, 2023

It’s not easy to maintain a positive attitude to life. But it’s not impossible. And even if it were impossible, I’d like to draw your attention to world champion boxer, and motivational speaker, Mohammad Ali’s attitude to the word ‘impossible’. He famously...

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How being ‘nicely curious’ can combat anxiety Oct 01, 2023

I subscribe to a daily email from the Random Acts of Kindness foundation, and it’s always a joy to open and see what today’s ‘Daily Dose of Kindness’ is. Today’s kindness tip was ‘Encourage Curiosity’ and it’s got me thinking about just how...

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